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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Matter of Integrity

I was going to publish my new crime novel ‘A Matter of Integrity’ today. Yesterday I converted it to the eBook format and loaded it onto my Sony Reader. As I began reading it I discovered 3 errors in the first few pages. Nothing huge but irritating. One major blunder was using the same sentence (or nearly the same sentence) twice on the same page. So now I’ve decided to read the novel again with a critical eye. This proves again how important it is to put some time distance between you and your new creation.

Now it depends how fast I am with reading the book until I can publish. I want to make sure it is error-free. Everything else is done. When I wrote the novel I followed Mark Coker’s (Smashwords) tips on formatting since I’m planning to publish with Smashwords again.

I also uploaded the book onto my wife’s Reader. She will read it with a watchful eye. If she finds any errors she will make a note and tell me. She is a critical reader. I have to compete with Ludlum, Nora Roberts, George R. R. Martin, Ken Follett, Clive Cussler, Steve Berry, and other famous writers. Not an easy task, but I’m up for it ☺.

I am happy to announce that I have designed the cover. After many different designs I came up with this one:

If you haven’t guessed it yet, yes, that’s me holding a gun. It’s just a toy gun but who will know? I found similar pictures on the internet, but they have to be purchased. So I figured I can produce one myself. For the design of the cover I used the PAINT program on my computer. It’s not that difficult. Okay, I don’t have a half naked woman on the cover, but this is not that kind of a novel. No nudity or sex in this one, just a few murders and other fun stuff. ☻.

‘A Matter of Integrity’ will be available soon from Smashwords and other outlets. (I just had to get that in here). Come back and find out when.

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