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If you are unfamiliar with my books, please feel free to browse my blog and look through old archives. I will give away a free pdf copy of Book
One of the Xandra series, Daughter of the Dark, or should you by any chance already have it or
are interested in another book, may I suggest The Xandra, Book 4, Lure
of Seduction, which starts the new cycle in the series. But you are free
to chose any of my other books, except Book seven or eight in this
Just send me an email and I will send you a pdf copy for free and without any obligations.
All of my books are available from Melange Books, except Alien World and Dark World, which I published with Smashwords. Please, check them out. Many of my other books are available from Smashwords. Find them here https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/Herbert1
Thank you for visiting and I hope to hear from you. If not, please, come back and visit again. Perhaps you'll find something next time.
Happy reading.