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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Signs of Spring

Yesterday I talked to a neighbor and he told me that the first flock of geese was seen March 12th in the Oak Hammok Marsh, which is not far from where we live. The pussy willows are also showing some white fluff and should be in bloom by Easter, ready to be harvested. They look nice in a vase and are a sure sign that Spring has finally arrived.
I didn’t do much writing during our trip to Cuba. I actually read a book for a change, Orion in the Dying Time by Ben Bova. I really enjoyed reading something not written by me for a change. It doesn’t mean I don’t like my own writing; I thoroughly take pleasure in creating alien worlds and following the adventures my characters experience, but sometimes it is nice to get into another author’s head to get some new ideas. I’ve already read two books in that series: Orion, and Vengeance of Orion. I read them over twenty years ago. Great books.
I have a couple of novels featuring a hero by the name of Orion: Orion, Symbiont of Passion, and Orion, the Hunt. My character is nothing like Ben Bova’s Orion, so there isn’t any conflict of interest here. I didn’t copy another writer’s creation.
By the way, ‘Orion, Symbiont of Passion’ and ‘Orola, Warrior Priestess’ are available now from Kindle Amazon. My other books will also be available in that format soon.
Check it out here: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Herbert+Grosshans&x=18&y=19
I’m at 52,000 words now with Book six in the Xandra series. So far no title, but I’m not worried. Once I’m finished with it I’ll try to come up with a good one, I hope.

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