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Hello visitors. On my blog I'm talking about my books, but also about what I'm currently working on and, maybe, some other stuff. Browse through my posts and don't forget to check out my older posts in the archives. If you are interested in my books, please, visit my website Fictitious Tales for more information and a few excerpts. Also, take a look at my second blog Herbert Grosshans, where I talk about fun-stuff and things that concern me.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

#A Matter of Integrity, a new price

After reading that the price of $1.99 for an ebook is not a desirable price, I’ve decided to sell my latest crime novel ‘A Matter of Integrity’ for a short time for $0.99 at Smashwords (and other retailers). For some unexplained reason books priced at $1.99 don’t sell. Go figure. Well, here goes. I’m practically giving away my book, but that’s okay. As long as I get readers and they enjoy reading it I’m happy. I don't write for the money. I write because that is my passion and I enjoy it. So why don't I give the book away for free? I found that anything people get for free is not really appreciated, but 99 cents for a book is not asking too much, but it weeds out the people who just download anything because it's free, but they will never read it. That is the sad truth. I put too much of myself into this book (or any other book I write) to let it sit unread in somebody's computer. I want people to read it and spend a few pleasurable hours that I am giving them.

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