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Monday, October 29, 2007

A nice review

The digest Midnight Raunch got a 5 Angel’s review from Linda at Fallen Angel. Here is the review for my story:
Orola, the Warrior Priestess-The Kiir is an intense read, keeping this reader spellbound. It is robust and entertaining. The story takes on different twists and turns that I enjoyed. This is not my first story by Herbert Grosshans that I have enjoyed. He knows how to capture the essence of his characters and weave a great tale.
Midnight Raunch is available from http://midnightshowcase.com/ and from http://www.fictionwise.com/
Stardogs, Book 1, Return to Redsky is being released now. It has not been downloaded yet to the Midnight Showcase website, but it should be there maybe today still or tomorrow. If you like to see the cover, it is featured on the Midnight Showcase Author site. Here is the link: http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/MSauthors/

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