Welcome to my blog

Hello visitors. On my blog I'm talking about my books, but also about what I'm currently working on and, maybe, some other stuff. Browse through my posts and don't forget to check out my older posts in the archives. If you are interested in my books, please, visit my website Fictitious Tales for more information and a few excerpts. Also, take a look at my second blog Herbert Grosshans, where I talk about fun-stuff and things that concern me.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Time Flares

My novella 'Time Flares' is out. It is one of the stories in the digest 'Beyond the Stars'. Available now from Midnight Showcase Fiction. This is my second time travel story. The last one was 'Cliffs of Time'.

Welcome Visitors

I hope you like what you see. Stick around for a while and check out my postings. Since it is almost summer and just for visiting I'll send you a free download of my story 'Gin and Tonic', originally published in the digest 'Summer Heat'. It is no longer available because some of the other authors didn't renew their contract. Hopefully, it will soon be available again in a different digest. Be the first one to read it. Send me an e-mail and ask for it. My address is hegro@shaw.ca

Thursday, June 05, 2008

An Intruder?

What is this? An intruder looking through the window? Well, it's a Luna Moth. I took this picture in Ontario. I tried to photograph it from the front, but the picture didn't turn out. It is hard to get a clear picture through glass, especially at night. The Luna Moth looks like an angel from the back and like a devil from the front. Kinda scary. For more information on the Luna Moth click on the link.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Hello Spring

It looks as if Spring is finally here to stay. Just look at the chokecherry tree. There’ll be a lot of chokecherries this year but we won’t get any. The birds are pretty quick gobbling them up. My garden is growing nicely, even though we had a bit of frost May 26 and some of my plants did get a touch of freezer burn. I lost my only basil plant. Maybe I’ll buy a new one. I usually buy the tomatoes and the peppers, the rest I seed. The beans and radishes are popping out of the ground and I hope the rabbits don’t show up to nibble on the beans. As cute as those little critters are, they can ruin a garden in no time.
I can’t believe it is already June 3. Where is the time going? Not much time left for our summer. We can get frost sometimes in September. My plants better hurry up. I need those peppers and tomatoes so I can make Salsa. I planted 2 hot Hungarian Peppers this year to give the Salsa a bit of a bite.
My book ‘Tapestry of Dreams’ still isn’t available but I hope it won’t be long now. The new Midnight Showcase site isn’t quite finished yet. However my books can be found there and are ready to be bought.
Click on the links or on the book covers.