Welcome to my blog

Hello visitors. On my blog I'm talking about my books, but also about what I'm currently working on and, maybe, some other stuff. Browse through my posts and don't forget to check out my older posts in the archives. If you are interested in my books, please, visit my website Fictitious Tales for more information and a few excerpts. Also, take a look at my second blog Herbert Grosshans, where I talk about fun-stuff and things that concern me.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Back again

It is March the fourth today and still winter. It's a miserable day outside. Minus 4 Celsius and cloudy. Good day to stay indoors. We got back February 22nd from a holiday in the Mayan Riviera. If anyone is interested I wrote a review on tripadvisor. I do that every time we go on a holiday. Just click on the link.
With our long winter it is always nice to get a break and go south into the sunshine and swim in the ocean. I took a lot of pictures, a few with my book covers in mind. My 2-book novel 'Stars in Chains' is scheduled to be released in September and October of this year. I designed covers for them. I don't know if they'll be used. That is up to my publisher. I don't have a good program that lets me design covers the way I envision them.

I'm still working on the edits of my three-book novel 'Epsilon', which I changed to 'Stars in Chains'. I want to make sure there are as few mistakes as possible when I submit it. Right now I am cleaning up all the inconsistencies. I'm also adding more stuff to the individual books, since originally I wrote the novel as one book, but it turned into over 160,000 words. Much too long for e-publishing. More explanation need to be put into each book for the reader to understand certain scenes. For instance, in the second book I am explaining Epsilon City, but that explanation is missing in book one, since I separated the chapters. The story is told from three different viewpoints, but in the end all of the characters get together, and even during the course of the story some of the characters interact with each other. It made sense in the book as a whole, but not after each character had his own book. But I'm managing to fill in the gaps.
I can't wait to get started again with the continuation of Book Four of The Xandra, no title yet, but I'm not going to rush with 'Epsilon'. I've learned to be patient. It pays off in the end.
My books aren't doing well at FictionWise because I haven't published anything lately. It seems readers forget about you quickly unless you offer them something new once in a while, then all of sudden all my books are beginning to sell again. I don't have any idea how my books are doing on my publisher's site MSFiction, but even there I have nothing new. I'm hoping that my Anthology 'Tapestry of Dreams' will be available on FictionWise soon. Somehow it never made it to that site, but it is available from MSFiction.

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