Welcome to my blog

Hello visitors. On my blog I'm talking about my books, but also about what I'm currently working on and, maybe, some other stuff. Browse through my posts and don't forget to check out my older posts in the archives. If you are interested in my books, please, visit my website Fictitious Tales for more information and a few excerpts. Also, take a look at my second blog Herbert Grosshans, where I talk about fun-stuff and things that concern me.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Free pdf copy of Epsilon or Death of a Hero

Welcome to my blog. If you're a new visitor, please, stay awhile and browse through my posts. Maybe even visit my website Herbert's World to see what kind of books I write.

I'll give away a few pdf copies of 'Epsilon' or 'Death of a Hero'. Find out more about the books below.

To get a copy, please, send me an email at hegro@shaw.ca and mention you saw it on my blog. I will pick a few of the emails.

Thanks for visiting and come again.


Jenny Twist said...

Generous thing to do, Herbert. Thank you

hotcha12 said...


Herbert Grosshans said...

Hi hotcha12. I would send you a copy if I knew your e-mail address. I checked out your blog but I can't find out anything about you.
Send me an email to hegro@shaw.ca
