Welcome to my blog

Hello visitors. On my blog I'm talking about my books, but also about what I'm currently working on and, maybe, some other stuff. Browse through my posts and don't forget to check out my older posts in the archives. If you are interested in my books, please, visit my website Fictitious Tales for more information and a few excerpts. Also, take a look at my second blog Herbert Grosshans, where I talk about fun-stuff and things that concern me.

Monday, December 24, 2007


Well, it is Christmas today. I have a few minutes before our children come. We celebrate Christmas Eve the way it is celebrated in Germany. We'll be eating Ham and other goodies. And, of course, we open presents.
I managed to finish 'Orola, Warrior Priestess' and sent it in to Midnight Showcase. I probably won't get a response until after the New Year. I wanted to finish all the old stuff, so I can begin the year 2008 with something new. I went back to my novel 'Tarnished Valor' and I started the outlines for the next chapters. I'm up to Chapter 30 now and about 90,000 words. Still a long way to go until it is finished, but I've been getting some good ideas. I needed this break and do some other stuff before I continued with this novel. To get all of the stories featuring Orola re-written and edited has been on my mind for a long time. Now it is finally done and won't bug me anymore. There are actually 7 stories in that volume. 82,000 words in total. All of them are connected, but can be read alone.
Anyone reading this blog have a Merry Christmas or Season's Greetings to you, in case you don't celebrate Christmas.

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